Faculty awards Faculty achievements Student awards
Prof. K Narayan Prabhu
National Metallurgists Day Young Metallurgists’ Award by the Ministry of Steel, Government of India, 1993
Career Award in Engineering & Technology, University Grants Commission, 1994
BOYSCAST Visiting Fellow and Post Doctoral Research Associate at the University of Birmingham (1996-1997) and UMIST, Manchester (1998-2000)
Sir C.V. Raman Young Scientist Award in Engineering Science 2001 by the Government of Karnataka, India, February 2003.
DST-The Royal Society Visiting Scientist Award at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) in Materials Processing, University of Birmingham, UK, 2005
National Metallurgists Day, Metallurgist of the Year Award, Ministry of Steel, Government of India, 2017
Dr. Kumkum Banerjee
Young Scientist’s Project Award” [2001] by DST, GOI, India; [Project: Mechanical and Corrosion Characteristics of Al-Ni and Al-Fe-Ce alloys]
“Apex Aspire Recognitions Award- 2006” by Tata Steel [Product developed: Super extra deep drawing quality steel for autobodies; Implemented in the plant of Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur, India and commercialized in the year 2007]
Faculty achievementshttps://mme.l3.nitk.ac.in/faculty-achievements#overlay-context=accomplishments/
Student awardshttps://mme.l3.nitk.ac.in/students-achievements#overlay-context=article/faculty-awards