Subray R. Hegde
Professional Experience:
18 years of Professional experience out of which 10 years at NITK.

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
• Ph.D (Carleton University) 2010
• MASc (University of British Columbia) 2006
• MSc[Engg.] (Indian Institute of Science) 2003
• BE (NITK-Surathkal) 1999
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
High Temperature Materials; Directional Solidification; Thermomechanical Processing; Failure Analysis
Significant Projects
Significant Projects:
• Thermomechanical processing for creep resistance
• Super-solidus processing
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
1. Mahyar Asadi, Dominic Guillot, Arnaud Weck, Subray R. Hegde, Ashok K. Koul, Trevor Swatzky and Henry Saari, Constructing a validated deformation mechanism map using low temperature creep strain accommodation processes for Nickel-base alloy 718, Proceedings of Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, ASME (2012) 65-73
2.S.R. Hegde, R.M. Kearsey, J.C. Beddoes, Designing homogenization-solution heat treatments for single crystal superalloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010) 5528.
3. S.R. Hegde, R.M. Kearsey, H. Saari, J.C. Beddoes, Microstructure refinement of as-cast single crystal superalloys by re-solidification, Advanced Materials Research 89 (2010) 250.
4. S.R. Hegde, R.M. Kearsey, J.C. Beddoes, Design of solutionizing heat treatments for an experimental single crystal superalloy, Superalloys 2008, TMS (2008) 301-310
5. S.R. Hegde, R.M. Kearsey, J.C. Beddoes, Resolidification behaviour of single-crystal superalloys, Scripta Materialia, 57 (2007) 837.
Funded Projects (Completed):
• Introduced Super-Solidus Processing of Single crystal Superalloys
• S.R. Hegde, N. Chalasani, Submerged combustion burner and melter, and method of use,International patent applied for Johns Manville Corporation -2013
• S. R. Hegde, “Submerged Combustion Burners” – International patent applied for Johns Manville Corporation-2013