Jagannath Nayak
Professional Experience:
30 plus years of professional experience at NITK

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
• Ph.D (NITK) & Year of Completion: 2005
• M.Tech (IIT Bombay) & Year of Passing: 1991
• B.E (KREC) & Year of Passing: 1987
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
Heat treatment; Corrosion of MMCs; Ceramics; Materials Characterization
Significant Projects
Significant Projects:
• Corrosion Behaviour of 6061Al- SiC Composites
• Thermal Aging of Nuclear Grade stainless steel TIG welds
Supervision of Ph.D
Supervision of Ph.D:
• Awarded : 8
• On-going : 2
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
1. Geetha Mable Pinto, Jagannath Nayak and A. Nityananda Shetty, “Adsorption and inhibitor action of 4-(N,N-Dimethylamino) benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone on 6061 Al/SiC composite and its base alloy in sulfuric acid medium”, Synthesis and Reactivity inInorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 41 (2011) 127.
2. P. D. Reena Kumari, Jagannath Nayak and A. Nityananda Shetty, “3-Methyl-4-amino- 5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole as corrosion inhibitor for 6061 Al alloy in 0.5 M Sodium hydroxide.” Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 8 (2011) 685.
3. T. Poornima, Jagannath Nayak and A. Nityananda Shetty “Effect of 4-(N,N- diethylamino) benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone on the corrosion of aged 18 Ni 250 grade maraging steel in phosphoric acid solution”, Corrosion Science, 53 (2011), 3688.
4. B. S. Sanatkumar, Jagannath Nayak and A. Nityananda Shetty, “Influence of 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-oxoethyl benzoate on the hydrogen evolution and corrosion inhibition of 18 Ni 250 grade weld aged maraging steel in 1.0 M sulfuric acid medium.” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy., 37, (2012) 9431.
5. J Nayak, K R Udupa, K R Hebbar and H V S Nayak, “Estimation of embrittlement during aging of AISI 316 stainless steel TIG welds”, Bull. Mat. Sci. 27 (2004) 511.
1. National Merit Scholarship for meritorious performance in Class X in the year 1980.
2. SMIORE gold medal for securing I rank in B.E. (Metallurgical Engineering) in the year 1987.
3. Excellent paper award for the paper, “2 The Effect of Protective Coatings on the Oxidation Behavior of 6061Al/SiC Composite at High Temperatures” authored by S. Rajasekaran, Jagannath Nayak and N. K. Udayashankar in the Session No-12 of International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology - ICMST 2011, September 16-18, 2011, Quality Hotel, Singapore.
4. Best paper Award for the paper “Corrosion Inhibition of 6061 Al-15 V% SiC(p) Composite in Hydrochloric acid (Using Pyridinium salts of 1,3-Thiadiazole-2,5-dithiol and 1,2,4- Triazole-3,5-dithiol)” authored by Suma A. Rao, Padmalatha, J. Nayak and A. N. Shetty, at 13th National Congress on Corrosion Control (NCCI) NMD, Mangalore, 12-14 October 2006.
5. Best paper Award for the paper “Corrosion Inhibition of 6061 Al-15 V% SiC(p) Composite in Hydrochloric acid (Using 8- Hydroxy Quinoline and Thiacetamide)”, authored by Suma A. Rao, Padmalatha, J. Nayak and A. N. Shetty, at 13th National Congress on Corrosion Control (NCCI) NMD, Mangalore, 12-14 October 2006.